martes, 25 de julio de 2017

ASL - My thermometer for the database

I suppose that most of you, DBAs,  have been asked sometime questions like "How is the general performance of the database?",  "I think there are a problem somewhere, is the database running well?", "Yesterday, at some moments of the day, the database run slow. Can you check what happened?".

Sure, those questions sound familiar to you. How could we give an answer to them?. Of course, we can take a look at the typical ratios, check AWR or Statspack reports, take a look at the OS, etc, etc.

jueves, 6 de julio de 2017

Installation of Oracle Grid/RAC on RHEL 7 or Oracle Linux 7

Some days ago, I had to install Oracle on Red Hat Linux 7 and Grid Infrastructure for a standalone server. What I expected to be a quick task turned to be trickier than expected. Here outlined are the steps for the installation.