Starting in 12c, onc we finish the setup of a two nodes cluster, output of csrctl stat res -t shows a third resource in a non-correct status
1 ONLINE ONLINE rac18c1 Started,STABLE
2 ONLINE ONLINE rac18c2 Started,STABLE
According to note 2132715.1 from Support, this is expected behaviour, since with Flex ASM, the default is 3 instances.
If we check the cardinality of the asm instance, we can verify it:
[oracle@rac18c2 ~]$ srvctl config asm
ASM home: <CRS home>
Password file: +DATA/orapwASM
Backup of Password file:
ASM listener: LISTENER
ASM instance count: 3
Cluster ASM listener: ASMNET1LSNR_ASM
[oracle@rac18c2 ~]$
So, we can leave it safely as it is, or we can change the cardinality.
According to the mentioned note, the best way to change this cardinality is change it to ALL:
[oracle@rac18c2 ~]$ srvctl modify asm -count ALL
We verify the cardinality again:
[oracle@rac18c2 ~]$ srvctl config asm
ASM home: <CRS home>
Password file: +DATA/orapwASM
Backup of Password file:
ASM listener: LISTENER
ASM instance count: ALL
Cluster ASM listener: ASMNET1LSNR_ASM
[oracle@rac18c2 ~]$
And verify it again with crsctl. We see that now is corrected:
[oracle@rac18c2 ~]$ crsctl stat res ora.asm -t
Name Target State Server State details
Cluster Resources
1 ONLINE ONLINE rac18c1 Started,STABLE
2 ONLINE ONLINE rac18c2 Started,STABLE
[oracle@rac18c2 ~]$