This tool is written for troubleshooting and not for continuous monitoring. Is not a substitute for ASH, but can be very helpful to see what happens in the database at one moment in time.
Also, I provide some scripts to analyze the data. The script runs in any OS with Python 2,4 or superior and the cx_Oracle module installed. All the details are written in the README.
Also, I provide some scripts to analyze the data. The script runs in any OS with Python 2,4 or superior and the cx_Oracle module installed. All the details are written in the README.
The readme can be a bit long, but is because is very detailed. Do not be afraid. The setup is very fast (actually, if you use Red Hat Linux and Oracle client installed, is only to install the cx_Oracle module and create the users) and once ready, can connect easily to any database.
You are free to use and distribute the script, also to modify it. Only remember to mention the author.
You can download it from here:
Please, leave your comments and questions here and will try to answer any doubt
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